Prezio onena S Model Side Side Shifter, Orga jasotzaileentzako
Product Description S modle Side Shifer 1. From 1ton to 10ton. 2.Frame made of rolled bar to offer a good looking. 3.30% overloaded with 3times speed to test it's heavy-duty and impacting ability. 4.20000 times shifting test to prove non-leakage seal ability. 5. High durability nylon pads will long life and less maintainance cost. 6. Very competitive cylinder, seal kits and Nylon pads make much less service cost. 7. Frame width available from 800mm to 1600mm for 2A,3A and 2400mm ...

3T Orga jasotzailea
AUKERA: Orga jasotzaileen fabrikatzaile profesional gisa, zerbitzu pertsonalizatua ere eskain diezazukegu. Elementu hauek aukerakoak dira: Edukiontzi-masta, adibidez, 3 m-ko 2 etapako masta libre osoa, 4,5 m-ko 3 etapako masta libre osoa Alboko aldagailua, sardexka posizionatzailea, sardexka luzeagoak, sardexka luzapena Konfigurazio pertsonalizatuen eta aukeren xehetasunak lortzeko, jarri gurekin harremanetan. VMAX zerbitzu profesionala harrituta geratuko zaizu. BESTELAKOAK: A: Entregatzeko data: gordailua jaso eta 30 egun igaro ondoren B: Ordainketa baldintzak: T/T (% 30eko gordailua, saldoa ordainduta...

Bale Clamp Orga jasotzailea Atxikitako hondakinak Papera Bale
products introduction bale clamp can handle various forms of soft packs such as cotton, textile, wool, pulp, waste paper hay and industrial scrap and other soft items for paper making, chemical fiber, waste paper recycling, port and other industries without pallet handling and stacking operations in a safe and efficient way. specification bale clamp d-series sideshifting catalog order no. capacity @ (kg@mm) mounting class opening range (mm) arm height (mm) arm length (mm) arm thickness (mm) vertical center of gravity ...

3 tonelada Hyundai Diesel Orga jasotzaileko ontziko orkatila eta ontzia
♦Powerful engine ♦ Low center of gravity, small turning radius, more stable and reliable ♦ Comfortable seat for long-time operation ♦ Safe overhead guard ♦ Rear light for working in the dark ♦ Dual air filter ♦ Streamline balance weight ♦ Side shifter is optional ♦ Optional fork: 1370mm / 1520mm / 1820mm / 2000mm ♦ Optional mast: 2-stage 3.3m / 3.5m / 4m mast; 3-stage 4.5m / 5m / 5.5m / 6m / 7.3m mast ♦ Optional engine: EURO ...

Salgai dauden 3 tona eskorga-altzairuzko aldagela
Product Description 3 Ton forklift attachment Side Shifter (SSS30) Structure and characteristic Good field of vision for operator: Combining hydraulic cylinder with attachment part to make space smaller and widen field of vision for operator. Fast and easy installation: No any extra operation for welding and drilling is required, just quick hook shifter onto fork lift directly. Uniform side shifting speed: Connecting pole of hydraulic cylinder could be amounted on both sides so makes the attachment move on left and ...

Orga jasotzaileen alboko piezak
Features * Customized size available * OEM available * Low weight with compact dimensions * Extremely high stability * High visibility design * Simple and quick assembly * Highly wear resistant sliding profiles for improved sliding properties located between the profiles Product List 1 The products include but not limited to: Standard fork, high tonnage telescopic fork, 30-80MT integral port fork, sliding port fork, mining fork, fork-loader fork, farm fork, string bar fork, stone fork (Patent), lead screw adjustment fork, ...

Bigarren Mailako Orga Jasotzaileak
Specifications Powerful engine ♦ Low center of gravity, small turning radius, more stable and reliable ♦ Comfortable seat for long-time operation ♦ Safe overhead guard ♦ Rear light for working in the dark ♦ Dual air filter ♦ Streamline balance weight ♦ Side shifter is optional ♦ Optional fork: 1370mm / 1520mm / 1820mm / 2000mm ♦ Optional mast: 2-stage 3.3m / 3.5m / 4m mast; 3-stage 4.5m / 5m / 5.5m / 6m / 7.3m mast ♦ Optional engine: ...

Orga jasotzaileen kartoia salgai
Supply Forklift Carton Clamp Our company can supply a wide range of bale clamps for all applications; pulp, waste paper, cotton, tobacco, foam and more. A variety of capacities, opening ranges and arm finishes will ensure that you get the right model for your application. Forklift Standards 3.0Ton Diesel Forklift Truck 2 stage , Hydraulic transmission (Automatic), 1.22M fork, China Engine 490BPG,Penumatic tyre, Maintenance Free Battery. Seat with safety belt & steady bar Warning light Options Mast: 2-stage 3.3m/3.5m/4mmast; 3-stage4.5m/5m/5.5m/6m/7.3mmast ...

3t orga jasotzaileentzako kartoia
Salmenta puntua 1. Txinako transmisio automatikoa TCM teknologiarekin operadorearen eraginkortasuna hobetzen du, azkar eta leunki erantzunez. 2. Buffer adimendunaren diseinuak talka zorrotzak saihesten ditu eta karga txikiagoetan kalteak izateko arriskua murrizten du, ikuspegi zabaleko mastak ere ikusgarritasun handia ematen dio operadoreari 3. Edukiera handiko aluminiozko erradiadoreak transferentzia termikoko ale eraginkorra eta olioa hozteko diseinatuta dago. Transmisio Torque Bihurgailuak, Motorren Iongebitasuna Hobetzen laguntzen du. 4. Diesel, gasolina eta LPG Motor aukeren sorta zabala Orga jasotzailearen jatorriaren zehaztapena ...

Kalitate handiko kartoia Clamp orga
Advantages Of Our ForkLift 1.Wide View Mast, Hydraulic Transmission 2.Xinchai Engine,ISUZU Engine, NISSAN Engineand Mitsubishi Engine,etc. 3.Standard Backrest 4.Long-Life Tires,Toyota Seat 5.TCM Technology 6.Good Looking Appearence,Strong Stucture 7.Side shifter,fork positioned,blocks,bale clamps etc. Videos Remarks 1.Trade terms:FOB,CFR,CIF are available. 2.Delivery time:within 25 received payment. 3.Packing: Nude,by container 4.Warranty:2000 working hours or 12month. Quick Details Condition: New Place of Origin: Fujian, China (Mainland) Brand Name: HUAMAI Type: Powered Pallet Truck Power Souce: DC Motor Rated Loading Capacity: 3000kg Max. Lifting Height: 4250mm ...

Txinako hornitzaileen kalitate handiko eskorga aldatzailearen alboko aldaketa
Features Integrate Cylinder and Side shifter frame into a component, saving room and widening the view. Easy installed, directly connected to fork carriage. Double-headed rod cylinder, keep the same thrust force and speed on both sides of cylinder. The lower bearings used wear-resistant nylon-material to ensure smoothly move. Highly efficiency, easy maintenance and operation. Specification Capacity@Load Center (Kg@600) Catalogue Order No. Mounting Class Minmum Turck Carriage Width (mm) Carriage Width W (mm) Vertical Center of Gravity VCG (mm) Weight (Kg) ...