1. Eaton motor hidrauliko indartsua.
2. Torloju birak-Ona onak karga biraketa leuna eta positiboa bermatzen du.
3. Unitateko kaxa eta motorra plaka oinarriaren atzean kokatzen dira, jasotzaile handiei gehieneko ikusgarritasuna emateko.
4. Eten handiko engranaje-kutxa eta errodadura birak zerbitzua eskaintzen dute.
Kamioiaren balbula osagarriaren 5.1 pieza beharrezkoa da. 140bar≤ Lan Presioa ≤ 180 bar.
6. M18X1.5-74 ° torlojua muntatzea (konkista); Gomendatutako Hodi Hidraulikoa barne diametroa = 10mm (3/8 '').
7. Eskatu ezean, birakariak ontzirik gabe bidaltzen dira!
Edukiera @ Kargatzeko zentroa | Model | Class | Carriage Zabalera (B) (Mm) | Orkatz-azal maximoa (mm) | CGV (Mm) | CGH (Mm) | ET (Mm) | zerbitzua pisu (kilogramo) |
1600@500 | RT-25M-A01 | 2 | 970 | 860 | 312 | 65 | 132 | 181 |
1600@500 | RT-25M-A02 | 2 | 1040 | 930 | 310 | 65 | 132 | 290 |
2500@500 | RT-25M-A11 | 2 | 1040 | 930 | 262 | 86 | 170 | 290 |
2500@500 | RT-25M-A12 | 2 | 1100 | 990 | 262 | 90 | 170 | 297 |
3500@500 | RT-35M-B01 | 3 | 1100 | 990 | 285 | 122 | 248 | 310 |
3500@500 | RT-35M-B02 | 3 | 1200 | 1090 | 285 | 128 | 248 | 317 |
4500@500 | RT-50M-B01 | 3 | 1200 | 1090 | 285 | 126 | 248 | 320 |
4500@500 | RT-50M-B02 | 3 | 1380 | 1260 | 285 | 132 | 248 | 337 |
5400@600 | RT-70m-C01 | 4 | 1200 | 1090 | 372 | 115 | 275 | 570 |
5400@600 | RT-70m-C02 | 4 | 1535 | 1420 | 372 | 118 | 275 | 615 |
Oinarrizko informazioa
Eredua: RT-25M RT-35M RT-50M RT-70
Estiloa: aurpegi bakarra
Mota: Materialen manipulazioa
Potentzia: Orga jasotzaileak
Zehaztapena: Ec, ISO
HS kodea: 843120
Materiala: Altzairua
Gidatzea: Motor hidraulikoa
Karga edukiera: 1 ~ 10 t
Marka marka: MIK
Jatorria: Txina
When purchasing a forklift rotator attachment, it is important to consider the following factors:
Compatibility: Make sure the rotator attachment is compatible with your forklift model and capacity.
Type of rotator: Choose the type of rotator that best fits your material handling needs.
Quality and durability: Look for a rotator attachment that is made with high-quality materials and is designed to last.
Customer service and support: Choose a supplier that offers good customer service and support, in case you need help with installation or maintenance.
It is also a good idea to read reviews and do research on the different types of forklift rotator attachments available, to get a better idea of what each one offers and what might work best for your needs.
In conclusion, purchasing a forklift rotator attachment is a smart investment for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis. It can help to increase efficiency, reduce the risk of injury and damage, and save time and money in the long run.