Orga jasotzaileen errotagailua

Hasiera / Eranskin guztiak / Orga jasotzaileen errotagailua

Orga jasotzaileen errotagailua

Funtzioak eta aplikazioak

360 ° baino gehiago iraultzen da, orga jasotzaile biratuak.

Oso erabilia da elikagaien industrian, industria kimikoan, saneamendu industrian, erreformen industrian, galdaketaren industrian, etab.


* Egiaztatutako eraikuntza iraunkorreko diseinua, biraketa-unitate berezia duen sistema, mehe-luzera etengabeko funtzionamendua meed.

* Gurpiltze gidatzeko momentu gogorrak biraketa funtzio egonkorra eta fidagarria lortu zuen.

* Motore hidraulikoa blokeo hidrauliko itzulgarriarekin konpondu, blokeoaren funtzioaren edozein angelu.



-Obidearen orga zabalera


Produktuen izenaEdukiera @ Kargatzeko ZentroaElementuaKamioia / errotatorien muntaketa klaseaRotator / Forks
Gurdiaren zabalera
Orkatz-tartea Max
Sardexkako tartea min
Zabalera orokorra


Jatorrizko lekua: Fujian, Txina (Mainland)
Markaren izena: HUAMAI
Eredu zenbakia: Hidraulikoen Birakaria
Ijezketa: 360 gradutik gora
Muntatze-klasea: II edo III
Potentzia: Hidraulikoa
Materiala: Altzairu handiko altzairua
Ziurtagiria: ISO9001 / 2000
Erabilera: sardexkak edo paperontzi bihurgailuak
Funtsezko atalak: Mundu maila
Gainazaleko tratamendua: Pintura
Kolorea: Baldintza gisa
Bermea: urtebete

A forklift bin rotator is a type of forklift attachment used for handling and emptying large containers, bins, and hoppers. The bin rotator attaches to the forklift and rotates 360 degrees, allowing the operator to easily empty the contents of the container.

The bin rotator is designed to fit a variety of forklifts and can be attached by quick-release mechanisms or bolts, depending on the model. Once attached, the bin rotator can be easily raised and lowered by the forklift’s hydraulic system. The operator can control the rotation of the bin using a lever or a control panel, depending on the model.

One of the main advantages of the forklift bin rotator is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of containers, making it a convenient accessory for a variety of material handling tasks. The rotating feature also allows the operator to easily empty the contents of the container, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment.

Another advantage of the forklift bin rotator is its efficiency. The rotator makes it easier to empty the contents of the container, reducing the time and effort required to complete the task. This makes it more cost-effective and time-efficient, saving companies time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, the forklift bin rotator is a useful tool for handling and emptying large containers. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle large containers on a regular basis.