Idatzi PXLE orga-eskuzko elur-plugak

Hasiera / Eranskin guztiak / Idatzi PXLE orga-eskuzko elur-plugak

Idatzi PXLE orga-eskuzko elur-plugak

Type PXLE Snow Plough

The whole device has a solid and compact structure, a new and original look and easy to operate.

The blade is capable of tilting by 25° both to the left and right.

Use polyurethane panel as wear plate which is is titled of "wear-resistant rubber"

Surface Treatment: Galvanzied/painted


Fork Pocket Size


Blade Dimension



Instalazio metodoa

Gainazaleko tratamendua






Galbanizatu / Margotutako


Jatorrizko lekua: Fujian, Txina (Mainland)
Markaren izena: HUAMAI
Model Number: PLXE
Product Name: Forklift snow plough
Type: PLXE
Pocket Size: 100*50
Blade Dimension (mm): 360*1500
Vertical C of G: 100mm
Installation Method: Slip-om
Gainazaleko tratamendua: galbanizatua / margotua

What is a snow plough?
A snow plough allows you to easily clear snow and is an ideal attachment to ensure your operations keep moving during the winter months. The concave design prevents snow from bottling up and damaging or immobilizing your lift truck. This attachment can also be used in the summer for yard cleanup.

Snow ploughs are commonly used in the construction and agriculture industry, to name but a few. This attachment is suitable for many types of machines. In addition to forklift snow ploughs, we also sell snow plough attachments for telehandlers.

What are the benefits of a snow plough?
By using a snow plough attachment, you can easily clear snow with a forklift truck.

Zein aukera daude?
There are several options available to tailor your snow ploughs to your exact application needs. Options include:

Fixed or adjustable
Rubber wear strip or with spring-loaded blade