A sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment that is used for handling and transporting a wide range of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto the load and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries.
The sideshifting multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic system is controlled by the operator, who can adjust the clamping pressure to ensure that the load is securely held in place. The clamp can also be shifted to the side, allowing the load to be easily positioned as needed.
One of the main advantages of the sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of loads, including pallets, drums, pipes, and more. It can also be easily attached and detached from the forklift, making it convenient for use in different material handling scenarios.
Another advantage of the sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is its ability to handle heavy loads. It allows for safe and efficient handling of heavy loads, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment. The sideshifting feature also makes it easier to position the load in tight spaces or areas with limited access.
In conclusion, the sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is a useful forklift attachment for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.
· Frogatutako T habezko besoaren aluminiozko markoaren eraikuntza
· Eragiketetarako ikuspegi bikaina.
· Balbula hidrauliko birsortzailea aukerako besoaren abiadura lortzeko
· Zerbitzu-bizitza luzatzeko beso-diapositiba superior
· Vulkanizatutako gomazko pastelak diseinatzea ekonomikoki.
· Orga jasotzailearen egiazko ahalmena eta eranskinak eskuratzea.
· Orga elektrikoaren bi olio-zirkuitu eta balbula magnetikoa behar dira.
· Beso irekiko barrutia bi besoen puntaren arteko tartea da.
· "C" besoaren lodiera lan praktikoetarako behar den espazioaren tamaina da, besoaren plakaren lodierarekin ezberdina
· Mesedez, jarri harremanetan HUAMAI-ren salmentekin
Mota | Edukiera @Load Center / mm | Class | Irekitzeko tartea / mm | Besoaren altuera A / mm | Besoaren luzera B / mm | Markoaren zabalera D / mm | Besoaren lodiera C / mm | Altuera orokorra H / mm | Pisua / kg | Lodiera eraginkorra / mm |
MCS15D- 001A | 1400@ 500 | II | 420-1570 | 455 | 955 | 865 | 55 | 665 | 465 | 175 |
MCS15D- 002A | 1400@ 500 | II | 520-1720 | 415 | 1220 | 865 | 70 | 665 | 485 | 195 |
MCS15D- 003A | 1900@ 500 | II | 520-1750 | 600 | 1015 | 940 | 75 | 665 | 475 | 175 |
MCS15D- 004A | 1900@ 500 | II | 560-1760 | 455 | 955 | 940 | 55 | 665 | 475 | 175 |
MCS15D- 005A | 1900@ 500 | II | 520-1720 | 415 | 1220 | 940 | 70 | 665 | 495 | 195 |
MCS15D- 006A | 1900@ 500 | II | 560-1800 | 460 | 750 | 940 | 55 | 665 | 356 | 180 |
MCS15D- 007A | 1900@ 500 | II | 550-1800 | 460 | 905 | 940 | 55 | 665 | 386 | 180 |
MCS15D- 008B | 2700@ 500 | III | 600-1950 | 455 | 750 | 1015 | 60 | 730 | 484 | 215 |
MCS15D- 009A | 2700@ 500 | II | 600-1900 | 455 | 955 | 1015 | 60 | 730 | 542 | 205 |
MCS15D- 009B | 2700@ 500 | III | 600-1900 | 455 | 955 | 1015 | 60 | 730 | 543 | 215 |
MCS15D- 010A | 2700@ 500 | II | 595-1940 | 455 | 1160 | 1015 | 65 | 730 | 603 | 205 |
MCS15D- 010B | 2700@ 500 | III | 595-1940 | 455 | 1160 | 1015 | 65 | 730 | 604 | 215 |
Fluxu eta presio hidraulikoa
Model | Min. Fluxu hidraulikoa (L / min) | Rec. Fluxu hidraulikoa (L / min) | Max. Fluxu hidraulikoa (L / min) | Min. Presio hidraulikoa (barra) | Max. Presio hidraulikoa (barra) |
MCS20D | 15 | 25 | 25 | 35 | 160 |
MCS30D | 15 | 40 | 40 | 35 | 160 |
· Zintzilikatzeko besoaren altuera eta luzapen handia
· Ezkerreko eta eskuineko clip besoaren mugimendu mota independentea
· 180 graduko biraketa gelditzeko mekanismoa
Eraginkortasunez eta ekonomikoki ia edozein motatako kartoia, egurrezko kartoia, metalezko kartoia eta ontziratutako produktuak. Tabakoak, egunkariak, zuntz kimikoak, tailerra eta portua barne. Eraginkortasun handia eta ekonomia laneko plataformarik gabe kudeatzeko
Jatorrizko lekua: Fujian, Txina (Mainland)
Markaren izena: HUAMAI
Produktuaren izena: erabilera anitzeko clamp
Mota: MCS15D- 001A
Muntatzeko klasea: II
Irekiera-barrutia: 420-1570mm
Besoaren altuera A / mm: 455mm
Besoaren luzera B / mm: 955mm
Markoaren zabalera D / mm: 47mm
Besoa lodiera C / mm: 55mm
Altuera orokorra H / mm: 665mm
Lodiera eraginkorra (mm): 175mm