Kalitate handiko Forklift hormigoizko kanpai motako blokeak salgai

Hasiera / Eranskin guztiak / Kalitate handiko Forklift hormigoizko kanpai motako blokeak salgai

Bloke Grabs


1.Structure with complete steel and high strength meets special requirements.
2.Structural designation makes field of vision widely for operator.
3.Used removable type article wear-resisting, after wearing is easy to replace economic and practical.
4.Can be rotated and field to make effective if needed.

Hormigoizko Eskorga Hidraulikoa Hormigoizko Zintzilikarioa


Capacity Range



Holding Width


 Altuera igogailua


Tilting Angle

Rotating Angle

Telescopic Length













Eskuineko eskorgaren eta eranskinen ahalmena eskuratu.

Holding width refers to the length of the standard bricks for 200-240mm, 4-6 bricks, the width of the size need to be measured and confirmed.
Mesedez, jarri harremanetan HUAMAI-ren salmentekin


Bell type block clamps can complete function of hoisting, tilting, rotation, scaling, clamp, excellent comprehensive performance.

Skilled application of hydraulic technology, with hydraulic components protection, can fully meet the needs of the working condition of brick industry.


Jatorrizko lekua: Fujian, Txina (Mainland)
Markaren izena: HUAMAI
Model Number: BTC-GX
Product Name: Bell type block clamps
Model: BTC-GX
Lifting Height (mm): 5600mm
Tilting Angle: 6-12°
Rotating Angle: 90-120°
Telescopic Length (mm): 400-800mm
Capacity Range (kg): 5000-8000

Block clamp


1.Concrete block clamp can efficiently handle various types of solid, regular cubic goods under normal temperature.

2.Widely used in construction material, metallurgy industries for handling concrete blocks, cement bricks, carton cubes, etc.

3.The high structural strength and durability ensura the safe, productive application and long service life.


1.The item doesn't need to be put on pallet to be transported. If need be, they can be put on a pallet and after than they can be handled by a traditional forklift too.

2.Proven durable T-beam arm aluminium frame construction.

3.Superior armazko irristagaitza, iraupen luzerako.

4. Balbula hidrauliko berreskuragailua beso azkarrerako.

5.Durable contact pads, reliable clamping.

6.Excellent driver visibility.


HUAMAI da zure aukerarik onena arrazoi hauengatik:

1.Profesionala eta esperientziaduna: 10 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia dugu arlo honetan. Mundu mailako konpainia garrantzitsuetatik datozen gure talde teknikoa kalitate handiko produktuak eskaintzeko ahaleginean aritu gara.

2.Heavy duty attachments: HUAMAI can provide a series of heavy duty attachments which the capacity load are more than 6 tons, while other factories can not reached.

3.Konparazio prezioa: Garapen urteak igaro ondoren, kalitate bikaineko produktuak prezio lehiakorrekin hornitzeko gai gara, pilatu ditugun hornitzaile ugarien arabera.

4.Total irtenbidea: gure salmentak zure enpresa bisitatzeko prest daude eta eraginkortasuna handitzen eta balioa sortzen lagunduko dizute konponbide osoa emanez, hala nola aholku praktikoak eta produktu pertsonalizatuak.

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